After a weak movie Wolverine, First Class the Franchise of the X-Men Series is just a Superb Movie. The Movie is not at all linked by the previous version but it is all about where, how and when the war was started. The Child hood and the problems they faced specially Magneto and Professor X, How they first become friends and then enemies and how they build their own team to fight, one for right and peace one for war.
The Beginning is bit slow as the entire back ground was getting build up, entire team was build and each and every person was selected for the same. All the faces were new and even the characters like Diamond Girl, FlyGirl and other mutants too. Before Magneto was the bad guy, Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw took the lead in the list of bad guys whose life got end in just seconds and just in simple way.
The action sequence more over will start after the break and before it was just more of introduction round and background making. Professor X was a quite dull role with telepath and even if we compare it with Magneto.
There were few errors in the movie which was easily observed. When Magneto is flying on the X Plane near to the sea level only his hair were moving with the wind none of his clothes? It was a big question to me. Even Supersonic word was used for Banshee to Fly and Hank mention to make Supersonic sound, How it is possible to travel faster than the speed of the sound.
From child to adult Raven was looking great but her costume was just clearly visible, it was the net garment she was wearing. Even Professor X moves his legs when lying injured on the beach and suddenly in the next shot he was shown as paralyzed within in few minutes. Even Erik wants Professor X to shoot at him with a gun and if you watch the entire scene then every time gun distance was different.
Diamond is suppose to be hardest substance but Diamond Girl Emma Frost was captured by Erik and her neck was just cracked when Emma was in Diamond form and even when the Girl was poisoned in CIA Quarters with Mirror window which was easy to break for diamond girl.
Any way lots of critics but Movie was just great, if you are new to the series I would say just watch the movie it is just great and you will not feel out of the topic. Even though if you are new to the word Mutant. If you were part of the previous franchise then too you will find movie interesting and movie surely goes with the story too.
At some point of time if you have seen the previous franchise of X-Men, then you will feel that this movie would have released first and then rest of it. The movie is great, the story telling is great and entire story goes well and even it could have much more complicated but it was not.
Last if you are going to watch movie due to Jack man the real hero with blades on the hand then just you will able to see just glimpse of him in the movies, just for 5 seconds only.
The movie is surely a hit and one should really watch.
Non Franchise watcher 8.5 out of 10
For Franchise watcher: 8 out of 10.
Good one.
Sumit Jain
Official Trailer of X-Men: First Class
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